Please browse the Draft List of the Accepted Abstracts for the Second International Conference "Going Digital - Innovation in Art, Architecture, Science and Technology ".
Accepted Abstracts
Rethinking design and materiality in architecture at the age of computational design
Bojan Tepavčević (Serbia), Keynote Speaker
Investigating space
Anastasios Tellios (Greece), Keynote Speaker
Feral Architecture: A framework for integration of research, education and practice
Djordje Stojanovic (Serbia), Keynote Speaker
Reshaping place based urban innovation through digital systems (Urbidis)
Oliver Frey ( Austria)
Symbiotic Architecture between Science and Utopia
Ksenija Bulatović Ksenija Bunjak, Sandra Persiani
and Saša Naumović, design (Serbia, Italy)
Dissapearing Borders: Ethics of Power Invisibility
Dragana Ćirić (Serbia)
Color code: identification system of space
Dragana Vasiljević Tomić (Serbia)
Dispersion of Home in Contemporary City/ Case Study Tokyo
Vedrana Ikalović (Japan)
3D Printed Architecture – a crtical state of the art of an ongoing revolution
Marc Frochaux (Switzerland)
Peer-Support Economy and Self-Sufficiency
Using 3D Printing to Achieve Genuine Progress
Jovana Karanovic (Netherlands)
New Digital and Interactive Sapce for New Museum Clusters
Kristina Azaric (Italy)
Model vs. Modeling: Implications for the Computer Assisted Architectural Design
Igor Svetel (Serbia)
The Influence of Contemporary Digital Achievements In Architectural
Planning Methodology Through Parametric Design
Nikolić Milan (Serbia)
Influence of urban planning practice history on virtual environment settlements in Elder Scrolls franchise
Miloš Milovanović (Serbia)
Organic architecture
Gljeb Usakovskij (Ukraine)
ScienceArt Synergy: Towards science based humanities and a meaning oriented science
Paul Verschure (Spain), Keynote Speaker
Textual Communication Design via Affective Semantic Annotation and Evocative Artistic Visualization
Uroš Krcadinac (Serbia), Keynote Speaker
Procedural Aesthetics and the Emergence of NeuroArt
Jelena Guga & Ivana Uspenski (Serbia & Germany), Keynote Speakers
Electric Skin and Somato Sensual Sound
Stahl Stenslie (Denmark)
Extreme Labour in the Cloud
Boris Debackere & Stahl Stenslie (Netherlands & Denmark)
Neuroplastic Arts: Plastic brains in the post-digital world
Gordana Novaković (United Kingdom)
The (not so) Intelligent House - designers perception of the user in an interactive environment
Aleksandar Ćetković (United Kingdom)
Global Change App: Towards the Earth Management in the Age of the Anthropocene
Zane Cerpina (Norway)
Deep Else: Ethical Aspects of Digital Art
Dejan Grba (Serbia)
Play, Storyworld, Gesamtkunstwerk: Narrative Geographies for Avatars
Elif Ayiter (Turkey), Keynote Speaker
Running Code to Control Sculptures in Installation Art
Anton Dragan Maslic (Cyprus), Keynote Speaker
Broken - digital installation
Ana Ćuzović (Serbia)
Emergent topologies:
transcultural symbolic space and its architectural translations
Ewa Łukaszyk (Poland), Keynote Speakers
Consumer machines - idiographic signals as target audiences in contemporary advertising
Ivana Uspenski (Germany)
Digital Culture: From Internet to Post-Internet Art
Vera Mevorah (Serbia)
Immersion in Virtual Reality
Nora Lefa (Greece)
The Information Age of an image, its subjection to political, consumer forms of cultur and interaction of an image and text in modern media
Daliborka Mihajlović (Germany)
Perception in intermedial theatre: Observation of undefined
Nina Vurdelja (Serbia)
The impact of globalization and new media on education and learning
Ivana Bajšev (Serbia)
Becoming-medium – the “Imagined Museum” exhibition in the perspective of media ecology
Ewa Niedziałek (Poland)
The Performativity of Cyberspace
Danica Stolica (Serbia)
"Parametric Design with GRASSHOPPER"
Andrea Graziano (Italy), Workshop Tutor
"Digital Self: How We Became Binary"
("Digitalno ja: kako smo postali binarni")
Jelena Guga (Serbia), Book Author