
KeynoteTalks – Case Netherlands

7 June 2018
Museum of Applied Art, Gallery Jade, Vuka Karadžića 18, Belgrade, Serbia

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06/07/2018 10:00 AM
06/07/2018 4:00 PM

Solemaker (Erwin Hoogerwoord) is a platform for creating a new way to think about shoes. Instead of directly designing shoes, we generate our shoes through generative, algorithmic parametric algorithms based on usage data coming from our sensors embedded inside of the shoes. We are designing an Ultra Personalised Product Service platform where the shoes are co-used, co-designed, co-analysed and co-produced by all stakeholders including the manufacturers, designers, stylists, brands and of course the wearer. With this, we aim to create shoes that fit better physically, kinetically, aesthetically and with materials that are better for us all.