On Architecture (2015) Book of Abstracts and Exhibition Book

OA2015 — Book of Abstracts
OA2015 — Exhibition Book

ISBN 978-86-89111-09-5
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији - 
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд


INTERNATIONAL Conference and Exhibition On Architecture (3rd ; 2015 ; Beograd)

Reworking the City through New Architecture : book of abstracts / Third International Conference and Exhibition On Architecture, Belgrade, 2015 ; [organization] STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2015 (Beograd : Cicero). - 50, 45 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm

Nasl. str. prištampanog teksta: Reworking the City through New Architecture : exhibition book. - Oba rada štampana u međusobno obrnutim smerovima. - Tiraž 150. - Str. 7: On Architecture - Reworking the City Through New Architecture / Ružica Bogdanović. - Beleške o autorima uz svaki apstrakt.

ISBN 978-86-89111-09-5

1. STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association (Beograd) 
2. International Conference and Exhibition On Architecture (3rd ; 2015 ; Beograd): Reworking the City through New Architecture : exhibition book 

a) Архитектура - Интердисциплинарни приступ - Апстракти

COBISS.SR-ID 219279884