On Architecture (2024) Conference Proceedings, p. 18-22

The Role of Architectural Education Models in Sustainable Transition of Cities
Vladimir Mihajlov


Abstract: As one of the pillars for design professionals, design education in architecture and related fields contributes to the built environment’s sustainable future. However, despite the dedication of educators, the evolving emphasis of design pedagogy is still not entirely accepted in the academic setting. Concerns regarding outmoded and static approaches in higher education have recently triggered some new insights causing the updating, upgrading and improvement of programs. Consequently, critical thinking and inquiry, creativity and innovation, research and investigation, collaboration and civic engagement, supported by technical competences, have become increasingly valued in the contemporary design pedagogy. In keeping with this pattern, the Sustainable City master’s program at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Architecture is organized around a project-oriented methodology. The process is finalized through a Civil Initiative Project Proposal data set established on the Teams platform, that addresses requests for proposals and several ongoing competitions. A Civil Initiative Project Proposal data set created on the Teams platform completes the process and offers the opportunity for active participation in solving the different issues facing local communities.

How to cite this Paper (Harvard referencing style):

Mihajlov, V. (2024) ‘The Role of Architectural Education Models in Sustainable Transition of Cities’, in R. Bogdanović (ed.) On Architecture — Shaping the City through Architecture, Proceedings. Belgrade, Serbia: STRAND, pp. 18–22.

See publication On Architecture (2024) Conference Proceedings

On Architecture (2024) Conference Proceedings, p. 11-17

Illusions, delusions, confusions?
Navigating the Future of Contemporary Cities

Aleksandra Stupar


Abstract: Contemporary cities, as the ever-changing nodes of dynamic global networks, transform their character, performances and aesthetic in order to face increasing challenges and to respond to the upcoming ecological, technological and social imperatives. Although generating a number of problems, they also provide various solutions which should preferably lead toward sustainable and resilient development. This process is continuously debated and upgraded, but it does not always create a wishful environment of higher efficiency, equity and wellbeing for all inhabitants. Instead, many cities have to deal with a combustible concoction of increased insecurity, fears, threats and overall anxiety, which has a severe destabilising effect on the fragile systems of needs, values and priorities. However, urban space has always had a unique role in every phase of socio-technical change, providing an immersive stage for the various levels and tools of action and interpretation. Materialised through architecture, urban planning and design, their impact reflects in new spatial concepts, hosting directly or indirectly every wave of technological (r)evolution, as well as its benefits and repercussions for both the society and the environment. Considering the complexity of ongoing global processes, which accelerate the pace of urban changes, the paper focuses on the relationship between the detected problems and the innovative responses implemented in urban space. The emerging typologies and their anticipated/achieved impacts will be dicusessed, targeting the issues of poverty, crime, migration, ecological and climate (un)awareness, as well as the needs of sensitive groups (determined by age, gender, ethnicity etc.). These small and large scale transformations and modifications, often with questionable and colliding effects, are frequently supported by ‘green’ rhetoric, although their actual sustainability and resilience might be overshadowed by influential political and financial drivers. Therefore, the content of numerous lists ranking the competitive advantages of each city displays both the contemporary urban priorities and the recent (im)balance of power, testifying about the paradigm shifts which should facilitate our efforts in mitigating the consequences of climate extremes, natural disasters or socio-economic turbulences.

Keywords: contemporary city, transformation, innovativeness, typology, urban space

How to cite this Paper (Harvard referencing style):

Stupar, A. (2024) ‘Illusions, delusions, confusions? Navigating the Future of Contemporary Cities’, in R. Bogdanović (ed.) On Architecture — Shaping the City through Architecture, Proceedings. Belgrade, Serbia: STRAND, pp. 11–17.

See publication On Architecture (2024) Conference Proceedings

On Architecture (2024) Exhibition Book

OA2024 — Exhibition Book
ISBN 978-86-89111-36-1
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд


INTERNATIONAL Multimedia Event On Architecture (12 ; 2024 ; Beograd)
On architecture - Shaping the city through architecture : exhibition book / [[within] 12th International
Multimedia Event On Architecture], Belgrade, 2024 ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Belgrade : STRAND -
Sustainble Urban Society Association, 2024 (Belgrade : Grid studio). - 67 str. : ilustr. ; 23 cm
" ... based on the concept of an interdisciplinary, international, multi-location conference, with exhibition and
workshop." --> Preface. - Tiraž 100. - Str. 3: Preface / Editor.

ISBN 978-86-89111-36-1

а) Архитектура -- Зборници б) Урбани дизајн -- Зборници
COBISS.SR-ID 157431305

Explore the 2024 Exhibition Book titled “On Architecture — Shaping the City through Architecture”, ISBN 978-86-89111-36-1.

On Architecture (2021) Conference Proceedings

OA2021 — Conference Proceedings
ISBN 978-86-89111-26-2
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд


INTERNATIONAL Conference On Architecture (9 ; 2021 ; Beograd)

Facing the future – new challenges [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / [9h International Conference] On Architecture, [3-4 December 2021 ], Belgrade ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Beograd : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association, 2021 (Beograd : Strand - Sustainble Urban Society Association). - 1 elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM) : tekst, slika ; 12 cm
Sistemski zahtevi: Nisu navedeni. - Nasl. sa naslоvnog ekrana dokumenta. - Tiraž 50. - Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. - Bibliografija uz svaki rad.

ISBN 978-86-89111-26-2

а) Архитектура -- Зборници б) Урбани дизајн -- Зборници

COBISS.SR-ID 52246281

On Architecture (2020) Conference Proceedings

ISBN 978-86-89111-23-1
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд


INTERNATIONAL Conference On Architecture (8 ; 2020 ; Beograd)

Learning architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / [Eight International Conference] On Architecture, [4-5 December 2020], Belgrade ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Beograd : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association, 2020 (Beograd : Strand - Sustainble Urban Society Association). - 1 elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM) : tekst, slika ; 12 cm
Sistemski zahtevi: Nisu navedeni. - Nasl. sa nasl. ekrana. - Tiraž 100. - Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. - Bibliografija uz svaki rad.

ISBN 978-86-89111-23-1

а) Архитектура -- Зборници б) Урбани дизајн -- Зборници

COBISS.SR-ID 26219785

On Architecture (2020) Conference Proceedings, p. 138-144

Custom, Custom-, Customize
Aleksa Bijelović

Abstract:A hard structured, preplanned and well organized approach to teaching is a backbone of educational excellence, an incredibly efficient and resource saving behaviour. Rigorous preparations and linear instructions make skill transfer easy. Evaluation is based on quantitative criteria, feedback is clear, grades are fair, overall in-class anxiety level during the course is low. It is predictable and safe. Ever improving digital time shredding tools make a whole process even more feasible. Everything is practical, a hands-on knowledge is passed further in sheltered environment. Results are satisfying for all – industry gets skilled work force, work force gets paid, educators fortify positions. A cycle. But more often than not, a one-size-fits-all approach actually fits none. Arithmetic mean, averages and other rationales that led to various standards made to fit – just doesn’t. And what if the cycle gets interrupted and the structure breaks? If behaviour derails and perspective shifts? When things are open to change and external impact, focus shifts to individual and self. When personal position and subjective reasoning is highly valued, insecurity is embraced in full, anxiety is a companion. Everything becomes open-ended and is free to perform. Unstructured action is an archaic drive, organic, speculative and curious, it’s a human nature stripped off of any fixed objectives. It moves things and grows knowledge, feeds from experience, creates new experience and learns from it. A cycle of a different kind. Efficiency is overrated. Time is not a resource.

How to cite this Paper (Harvard referencing style):

Bijelović, A. (2020) ‘Custom, Custom-, Customize’, in R. Bogdanović (ed.) On Architecture — Learning Architecture, Proceedings. Belgrade, Serbia: STRAND, pp. 138–143.

See publication On Architecture (2020) Conference Proceedings

On Architecture (2020) Book of Abstracts and Exhibition Book

OA2020 — Book of Abstracts
OA2020 — Exhibition Book

ISBN 978-86-89111-22-4
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији - Народна библиотека Србије, Београд


INTERNATIONAL Multimedia Event On Architecture (8 ; 2020 ; Beograd)

Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eighth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2020 ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association, 2020 (Belgrade : Grid studio). - 53, 57 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm

Nasl. str. prištampanog teksta: Learning architecture : book of abstracts. - Oba rada štampana u međusobno obrnutim smerovima. - Tiraž 100. - Str. 3: Learning architecture / Aleksandra Stupar.

ISBN 978-86-89111-22-4

а) Архитектура -- Зборници б) Урбани дизајн -- Зборници

COBISS.SR-ID 26114313

On Architecture (2019) Book of Abstracts and Exhibition Book

OA2019 — Book of Abstracts
OA2019 — Exhibition Book

ISBN 978-86-89111-21-7
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд


INTERNATIONAL Multimedia Event On Architecture (7 ; 2019 ; Beograd)

[Challenges in architecture, urban design and art] : book of abstracts / [Seventh International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2019] ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2019 (Zemun : Birograf Comp). - 48, 55 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm

Nasl. str. prištampanog teksta: Exhibition book. - Oba rada štampana u međusobno obrnutim smerovima. - Tiraž 100. - Str. 7: On architecture: challenges in architecture, urban design and art / editor. - Sadrži i biografske beleške o autorima.

ISBN 978-86-89111-21-7

а) Архитектура -- Интердисциплинарни приступ -- Апстракти

COBISS.SR-ID 280991756



4-16 December 2019 Exhibition

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology


Dimensions: 60 x 80 cm
Orientation: Portrait (vertical)

All posters should have title of the work and authors.

There is no restriction in design or font since poster layout is evaluated by Jury as well.

Works submitted in Art Category have no restriction in size or orientation. Continue reading “Instructions”

On Architecture (2018) Exhibition Book

OA2018 — Exhibition Book
ISBN 978-86-89111-18-7
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 


INTERNATIONAL Exhibition On Architecture (6 ; 2018 ; Beograd)

New Materials and Design in Architecture and Art / sixth International Exhibition On Architecture, [Belgrade, 2018] ; [editor Ružica Bogdanović]. - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2018 (Zemun : Birograf). - 65 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm Tiraž 100. - Str. 3: Preface / editor.

ISBN 978-86-89111-18-7

a) Архитектура - Интердисциплинарни приступ - Изложбени каталози b) Примењена уметност - Интердисциплинарни приступ - Изложбени каталози

COBISS.SR-ID 270781196