Planning on the Edge
The Young Planners Workshop 2019 will be concluded at the “13th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners” (13è Biennale Européene des Villes et des Urbanistes) to be held 11-13 September 2019 in Plymouth (United Kingdom) under the general title “Planning on the Edge”.
In the frame of the Biennial, the ECTP Young Planners Workshop is scheduled as a preliminary event of the Biennial in order to encourage debate amongst and with young planners.
The ECTP-CEU/XIII Biennial organization encourages young planners throughout Europe to exchange experiences and ideas about European urban and regional challenges. To encourage their participation, the Biennial organization offers free admission for the Young Planners Workshop participants and the ECTP-CEU contributes to their travel expenses.
The workshop is spread over April-September 2019 in an “online” format; giving the opportunity to discuss in depth the projects in order to enrich final presentations in Plymouth at the Biennial. The final papers will be published in the post-Biennial e-book.
Submissions (including abstracts) must be sent before 10 March 2019 at