The Habitat Professionals Forum
Roadmap to a Just and Regenerative Recovery
At the General Assembly (GA) meeting of ECTP-CEU ( a report on the work of the Habitat Professionals Forum of the UN (The HPF) was approved.
Roadmap for Recovery will launched at the World Urban Forum (WUF) in June 2022 at Katowice Poland (
The Habitat Professionals Forum has produced a Roadmap to Recovery from the major shocks to our global economic social systems. In doing so, it has direct relevance to the findings and recommendations of the UN’s Quadrennial Review on the progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
This Roadmap is essential if we are to re-set the trajectory of change to deliver sustainable urban development based on the principles in the New urban Agenda of the UN-Habitat and to achieve the UN’s Sustainable development Goals.
This Roadmap is set out in the following documents:
1. An Executive Summary of the Roadmap.
2. The Roadmap itself which sets out 22 propositions to tackle the challenges created by the combined impact of the pandemic, climate change and international conflicts.
3. The Roadmap Background Report which sets out in more detail the reasoning and evidence that supports the Propositions in the Roadmap
In doing so the Roadmap:
• Illuminates the vital contribution of the professional community to Recovery;
• Illustrates the need and potential for more effective interventions; and
• Identifies the changes needed to recover not only from the current pandemic but also to provide resilience to future ‘global shocks’.