Renate Weissenböck & Ruth Ron, Keynoters


8th International Conference
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology
Belgrade, Serbia
4-5 December 2020

Renate Weissenböck & Ruth Ron, KEYNOTERS

Renate Weissenböck is an architect. In her research, she explores the role of different digital media in the design process, such as industrial robots and Augmented Reality.
Ruth Ron is an architect. Her work explores multiple aspects of digital design, focusing on the borders between architecture and technology, form and media.

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Geo(augmented) Cultural Space

Going Digital 2018
Keynote Speaker Manthos Santorineos*
with Stavroula Zoi
“The Geo(augmented)CulturalSpace: A proposal for a Large-scale, Geopolitical Art”


This paper presents an ongoing project developed by the artist Manthos Santorineos and the scientist Stavroula Zoi. Ιt is a virtual exhibition in which, through the Geo-located Augmented Reality technology, virtual artworks will be exhibited in different areas of the earth related with human actions that convert the earth, transform it into civilization, create the linear history, with conflicts, with victories, with defeats, with progress and destruction. Continue reading “Geo(augmented) Cultural Space”