WEAR (Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible Innovation) Sustain is a 2 year project, funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 research and innovation initiative to engage art, design and creative industries to work more closely with technology and engineering industries, to shift the development of the wearables and e-textile landscape towards a more sustainable and ethical approach.
STRAND is pleased to announce that our own Ruzica Bogdanovic is taking participation as expert in reviewing second and final open call for entries that invites artists, designers, technologists and engineers to co-create next generation wearables or e-textiles.
The aim of this competition is to support creative and technology collaboration for the evolution of critical, ethical, sustainable and aesthetic wearable technologies. The scope includes wearables and e-textiles worn on the body that may generate body data and/or data about your environment. WEAR Sustain will support strong, well developed project ideas and take prototypes to the next level.