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Monday, 16 December 2013
![]() REVISIONIST PHILOSOPHY OF ARCHITECTURE In my paper I will focus on systematic questions about the notion of the status of contemporary philosophy of architecture. The historically contemporary terms of the philosophy of architecture will be introduced. The special attention Will be paid to performance of discoursive and epistemological differences between philosophy, aesthetics and theory of architecture in modern, postmodern and contemporary culture. The discussion of philosophical schools will be developed, schools whose representatives refered to architecture, i.e., I will discuss the phenomenology, ontology, hermeneutics,and deconstruction in continental philosophy. After that I will present critique of modern continental philosophy of architecture from the viewpoint of social and humanistic theories (poststructuralism: Barthes, Foucault), as well as from the viewpoint of connecting philosophy of architecture and critical cultural studies and media studies. At the end of the discussion I attention will be dedicated to the construction of philosophy of architecture in contemporary biopolitics (Agamben, Virno), neomarxism (Ranciere, Badiou, Eagleton) and to the political cognitivism. The goal of the paper will be to show to the borders of contemporary thinking on architecture as social activity which deals with performance, disciplining and shaping of human everyday and private life. The architecture is defined as social, material, theoretical practice which is crucially connected with transitional and global antagonisms of contemporary world. Philosophy is out of its traditional context of thinking or love for wisdom shifted into the field of interdisciplinary critical theory on architecture’s discourses and apparatuses. My goal is to show that great notions and their referent themes (philosophy, architecture and philosophy of architecture, i.e., politics, ideology, knowledhe) in every new times have to be subjected to critical and, for me, important, revisionistic insight into state of affairs. ![]()
![]() VIBRANT ARCHITECTURE My research investigates the design and production of architecture in ways that may build ecological relationships that forge connections between humans and the environment, rather than destroying them. I have been designing practical and experimental processes to raise the actual and cultural status of matter by applying Jane Bennett’s theory of vibrant matter, so that the material world is considered more equitably in the design process. In regarding substances as being more than brute, dumb and awaiting human instruction, designers may treat the material world differently. The aim is to facilitate cultural adjustments in design practice that align the objectives of humanism (machine) and environmentalism (Nature), as working towards the same goal – the sustainability of our biosphere. This talk will outline a range of projects that embody these ideas in specific contexts as examples of vibrant architecture - namely, the Hylozoic Ground installation with architect Philip Beesley, Vibrant Venice that proposes to sustainably reclaim the city by growing an artificial limestone reef under its foundations and Vibrant Cites, which are envisaged as soil-producing machines. Ultimately, vibrant architecture provides an alternative to the domination of architectural design by machine thinking by identifying our shared ontology with all matter, through the primordial stardust, which has given rise to the incredible, complex liveliness of planet. Perhaps, by embracing a different kind of design thinking our actions may enhance, rather than reduce, the vibrancy of our incredible world. ![]()
![]() CHALLENGES AND LIMITS OF THE URBAN REGENERATION. NEW FUNCTIONS IN OLD STRUCTURES – Introduction: Reference frame in Urban Regeneration The proposal of this introduction is to show the last documents from different institutions in order to have a wide panorama in urban regeneration policies or recommendations. These documents are coming from Unesco and Icomos regarding the historic centers, and also European documents or the most recent Spanish law related with the purpose of the presentation. – Planning process for Urban Regeneration Urban Regeneration needs new tools to implement the planning process leaving out the old criteria. Regeneration policies imply strong decisions and economic resources in order to profit infrastructures that are still working. They imply also a deep analysis of the local situation of housing and a determined action to help the citizens to accept this kind of interventions. – European situation We focus the European analysis around two paradigmatic cases: the revitalization of the historic centers and the regeneration of the neighbourhoods situated very close to the urban core that normally were built in the beginning of the last century and some of them after the Second World War. – The challenges and limits of the urban regeneration We try to explore the challenges and limits of the integrated urban regeneration following the recommendations of different documents specially the Toledo Declaration – New functions in old structures This is a very interesting issue in the urban rehabilitation. We need to accept new functions not also in the urban pattern but as well in the old structures. – Contemporary architecture in historic towns. The Vienna Memorandum The Vienna Memorandum was the door trough which the notion of Historic Urban Landscape and the comprehension of the city as a whole ecosystem, was contemplated in a new perspective and was an inevitable reference. – Some personal intervention examples in Valencia: The Fine Arts Museum, The Main Board building and Medicine Faculty of the Catholic University & New Auditorium and Youth services building in old warehouses – Conclusion As a conclusion we encourage architects to see any intervention in the urban fabric as a part of the whole process, regarding the integrated urban regeneration, and at the same time to have a holistic approach taking account of the new challenges coming from the market globalization, the loss of the identity, the sustainable development improving energy efficiency. We must reinforce our cultural values and at the same time we have to be aware of the new social demands. ![]() ![]()
![]() DIFFUSIVE PROTOTYPING If my clothing floats and ripples outward, and if fluxing heat and cold cloaks me, is it accurate to say that the boundaries of my body lie at my skin? Looking at the bundled vesicles at the amygdala and limbic core, and my bicameral brain, and the distributed neural matter and ranging islands of ganglia close to my elbows and knees, it is tempting to characterize my body as a kind of archipelago, a ragged bundle bound together by tribal agreement. Such an image, in its diffusion and its multiple forms, might offer a model for contemporary prototyping. The work that I am pursuing with my collaborators is founded in intimacy and touch. The structures of this space are saturated with turbulence that offers clutching, and pulling. Components are controlled by actuators and sensors, producing responses that ripple out into expanded physiologies, sharing space with the viewers. The work sets out ghost-like crystalline forms following diagrids and textile forms in order to make lightweight, resonant scaffolds. Networks of simple computational devices and sensors allow viewers to be tracked, offering small increments of gentle muscular movements that register our own presence, rippling back to us, starting to offer a sense of breathing, ambient architecture. ![]()
![]() THE ESSENCE OF ARCHITECTURE – SHIFT THROUGH TIME It seams that at the end of 20th and beginning of 21st century architects, artists, historians, philosophers, more then ever before, had increasingly concerned themselves with searching for answer to the ever present question what is the essence of architecture. Perhaps that great concern is a result of fear we all fell that the architecture is escaping from its essence lately? Perhaps we want to remind ourselves what we used to know, get the grip again, realize what we lost, what we gained, anticipate where we are going, before it slips out of our hands irreversibly? Our legacy is our common knowledge, programs, manifests of architecture changed over the course of time, influenced by different ideologies, different circumstances. History teaches us that we have to change and evolve in order to survive. Architecture is no different then that, constantly in search for new syntheses in new conditions. Sometimes blinded and fascinated with new possibilities we tend to forget that every new work of architecture intervenes in a specific historical situation and in a specific, unique place. We forgot to enter into meaningful dialogue with existing situation, sometimes even forget that the man is an integral part of the environment. Architecture today is irreducibly plural, architectural processes are often hybrids with methodologies coming from other disciplines based partially on codes external to itself. The essence becomes blurred. Things are no longer the same, but do we still have the autonomy of architecture as a form of a culture, with its own inner logic, forms of expression and purpose, identity? Now that the creation of architecture is unfolded, revealed, can we remind ourselves what is creation of space which affirmed our humanity. ![]()
![]() THE STATE ARCHITECT – OBEDIENT OR CREATOR? By colloquial communication reality, as well as in scientific historiography, noticeably pejorative terms exist in definitions of particular historical phenomena which are discredited as unjustified and harmful on moral point of view. In that sense, one of the most widely used phrases, whose critical meanings are deepen for such a long time, is the qualification – the state architect. Established as an instrument of non-inclined criticism, his social role of the architect is resolutely disavowed as privileged and servile in the official state offices. Historiographers, urged by the “violation” of the avanguard theory, unconfident towards the exponents of state universities and authorized architectural institutions which are impartially the most liable to instrumentality of political elite, have treated that vocation with criticism. However, new hermeneutic strategies of value based on historical and interested distance, perceive the phenomenon of the state architect in much wider context emphasizing the artistic contribution and the role of civilization instead of the one-sided sociological criticism of their institutional position. In the sphere of diffuse and furthermore uneven criteria evaluation, the role of state architect in Serbia in 19th-21st century deserves a special comment. Conference Chair
![]() ON ARCHITECTURE The Conference will explore and discuss the complexity and various meanings of Architecture. Interdisciplinary approach is a milestone in defining thematic blocks: Phenomenology of Architecture, Architecture and Art, Technology and Architecture. These themes will consider substance of architecture through all its dimensions always thinking of it as an art. The substance will be discussed regarding various points, processes and trends that contribute to new aesthetic and funcionalism: globalization, new approaches to design, innovative technologies, projects, and materials. Thematic blocks include Phenomenology of Architecture (Substance of Architecture, Philosophy of Architecture, Utopia and Architecture, Virtual Architecture, Architecture as Manifest/ Ideology and Architecture), Architecture and Art (Architecture and Art: Spatial Installations, Architecture and Design: Thoughts through drawings, Architectural Language / Architecture and Semiology, Architectural Designs – Metalanguage of Architecture), Technology and Architecture (Architecture and Globalization: Influence of Globalization on architectural expression, Architecture and Blog: web portals as a contribution to the topic, Sustainable Architecture). Vision of the City and/or Architecture, from capturing moments of city life, towards utopias in a form of artistic drawing, design, photography or design product are to be exhibited as a part of the Conference. International exhibition with reviewed catalogue follows the conference thematic blocks: Phenomenology of Architecture (Face of the Building – Surface Finishing, Shape, Interior events, Utopian visions), Architecture and Art (Brand and Architecture: New City Icons, Architecture and Design: Thoughts on Architecture through Drawings, Art vs. Architecture or Art & Architecture?), Technology and Architecture (Innovative designs and new forms, Innovative technologies and new Language of Architecture). Opening Session Speakers
![]() NEW AESTHETICS OF BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE The use of elements of bioclimatic architecture: photovoltaic solar panels, different protection from sun, double-skin facades, transparent walls, voluminous insulations, tinted glass, green facades, mirrors, as well as many other elements, creates a new aesthetics which calls for new approaches to design. The implementation of technological and other elements in the function of bioclimatic architecture in the following three designs: Eneko Center in Budva, "Ana" Hotel in Kanjiža and Commercial Building at the corner of the streets of King Milan and King Milutin in Belgrade, has been a subject of analyses of the use of new and conventional concepts. As the basis of bioclimatic architecture, the paper analyzes local climate from two essential aspects: climatic aspect and aspect of regional architecture as an exponent of accumulated experience of local community. Further, the stated examples are analyzed from the aspect of programming and functional aspect which were a staring point in design. Based on the drawn conclusions formed on the basis of previous analyses, techniques were chosen followed by their implementation which resulted in certain aesthetic expression at a macro level and in details. The analysis of these three buildings is followed by a comparative analysis of similar buildings and implemented techniques from the world practice. The conclusive considerations are aimed at predicting the future trends in the development of future new aesthetics of architecture by implementing elements for improving energy efficiency in building, as well as how they influence freedom of architectural creativity. ![]()
![]() ARCHITECTURE AND(OR) ART The ability of architecture to absorb new knowledge, use new materials and technologies, synthesizes works of art into itself, as well as widen notions, perceptions and experience of space, makes it exceptionally alive creative discipline which is in the forefront in the contemporary world precisely because of such character. Considering that architecture of today is always an ambience in which future generations grow up, it is by its character also a space for the future, thus making architecture a very responsible activity whose messages should be considered in such context. This paper deals with the theme of architecture and(or) art through a historical prism of synthesis of art and architecture, placing an accent on changes which have taken place in architecture in the second half of the 20th century, and with a view of national Serbian architecture and its achievements. The paper analyzes examples and draws a parallel between synthesis of architecture and other arts in works of architect Aleksej Brkić and his interpretations of synthesis in art, architect Ivan Antić, a unique creator whose forms reach the beauty of abstract geometry and symbols in space, architect Bogdan Bogdanović with his memorials, archetypal forms of almost pagan symbolism, architect Petar Vulović and his interpretation of structural elements of organic origin, architect Branislav Mitrović who has bravely used new materials and forms to the conceptual projection of One vs. Table (Hundred) of a group of young authors representing Serbia at the Venice Biennale 2012 who stepped forward in a space of complete interactivity including the users into artistic space of synthesis of form, symbol, meaning, psychology, message and aesthetics. ![]()
![]() MARXIST HISTORY OF IDEAS AND STUDIES OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM: A CASE OF MARTIN JAY History of ideas is a sub-discipline of history that deals with the description and interpretation of creative work of thinkers and artists of the past. Martin Jay, as a central aspect of his theoretical work points out two Marxist thesis. 1. Ideas have, as products of intellectual labor, their own material foundation: this means that social reality is determined by those products as much as by economy - in that way, materialist history of ideas is constituted on the shift from the analysis of the economy (base) to the analysis of culture (superstructure). 2. Ideas are related to social practices: ideas within a society are not separate from material reality, but they actively shape social relations, i.e. there is a link between intellectual labor and political conditions of life within a given historical society. The paper examines the connection that Jay established between the history of ideas and the history of architecture and urbanism. ![]()
![]() ![]() ARCHITECTURE AFTER GLOBALIZATION: LOST IN TRANSLATION? The mixture of neo-liberal rules, environmental challenges and overwhelming urbanization gradually shifts the course of globalization into a new direction, creating a surreal setting for opposing aesthetics and conceptual differences. The models which shaped the urban spaces around the world during the 1990s and 2000s, are constantly upgraded, modified or even negated, while the applied typologies are reconsidered and repositioned into an evolving social, technological and ideological framework of the 21st century. However, the implementation of new ideas often seems to be a difficult task due to unrealistic expectations and bubbling ambitions of clients causing a discord between over-artistic proposals, actual problems and financial backup. Currently, we are facing two parallel realities which influence contemporary urban space on a material and virtual level, creating tangible or just imaginary environments, offering pragmatic solutions or foreseeing the (anti)utopian future - on a level of ideas, concepts or experimental forms. Therefore, the presentation will discuss recent trends in cities and their architecture which have been triggered by the current contextual paradoxes. Furthermore, it will try to answer to several questions which might influence the future of our profession and directly or indirectly shape our living environment. What would be a proper balance between theory and practice, science and fiction, technology and environment, which would enable better applicability of proposed solutions? Is it possible to synchronize all the imposed imperatives and priorities with already existing structures and typologies? Have we reached the sufficient level of environmental and social awareness in order to transfer advanced architectural ideas into a fragile reality? |