International Conference and Exhibition
9-16 December 2013, Belgrade, Serbia
Gallery of Science and Technology - Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Đure Jakšića 2, Belgrade
Conference will discuss complexity and various meanings of architecture. Interdisciplinary approach is a milestone in defining thematic blocks: Phenomenology of Architecture, Architecture and Art, Technology and Architecture. These themes will consider substance of architecture through all its dimensions always thinking of it as an art.
The substance will be discussed regarding various points, processes and trends that contribute to new aesthetic and funcionalism: globalization, new approaches to design, innovative technologies, projects, and materials.
International exhibition with reviewed catalogue follows the conference thematic blocks: Phenomenology of Architecture, Architecture and Art, Technology and Architecture. Vision of the City/Architecture - from capturing moments of city life towards utopias in a form of artistic drawing, design, photography, design product.
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STRAND - Sustainable Urban
Society Association
Conference & Exhibition Followup

Browse Conference & Exhibition Photos here.
Photography by Senja Vild. |
The Conference Opening Address by Academician Milan Lojanica |
The Exhibition Opening Address by Academician Milan Lojanica |
The Exhibition Opening Address by Exhibition Selector Professor Stanko Gaković |
The Exhibition Catalogue Review by Opening Session Speaker Dijana Milašinović Marić |
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