The task of the Gallery is to promote and popularize science and technology. The Gallery organizes for this purpose exhibitions in all areas of science and technology, particularly in the history of science and technology in our territory, and keeps up with such activities as: lectures, presentations, book promotions, showing science research films.
Web Address www.sanu.ac.rs
Venue Location
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Recommended Hotels in the city center located 2-5 minutes by foot from the Conference Venue:
Square Nine, Studentski trg, Beograd, www.squarenine.rs
Hotel Moskva, Terazije 20, Beograd, www.hotelmoskva.rs
Balkan Hotel, Prizrenska 2, Beograd, www.balkanhotel.net
Hotel Majestic, Obilicev Venac 28, Beograd, www.majestic.rs
Palace Hotel, Toplicin venac 23, Beograd, www.palacehotel.rs
Public Transport
Belgrade city public transport company is GSP "Beograd" but there are also bus services run by private companies, on around 130 routes.
For further information browse Belgrade City Transport Company www.gsp.co.rs and new tariff system at www.busplus.rs
Like the majority of European metropolises, also in Belgrade the lack of parking area and the traffic are two annoying problems. Parking area in Belgrade city center are divided in three zones where parking time is limited and payment is made for each full or incomplete hour:
- Red zone - maximum 1 hour
- Yellow zone - maximum 2 hours
- Green zone - maximum 3 hours
Parking is payable in all three zones on week days from 07.00-21.00 and Saturdays from 07.00 and 14.00. Payment methods for parking in the three zones are:
- Parking tickets - these are purchased at kiosks and other points of sale. The time of arrival should be written on the ticket and it should be displayed on the inside of the windscreen.
- Parking ticket machines (only in the red zone) - machines selling parking tickets take coins and electronic parking cards
- Mobile phone - by sending an SMS containing the registration number of the vehicle (for example BG123456, without spaces) to 9111, 9112 or 9113 (depending on the zone), from any mobile network. Confirmation that payment has been made by SMS.
Taxis in Belgrade are cheap and safe, ideal for tourists. Just remember to check if the taxi driver starts the taximeter correctly. Taxi in Belgrade have not a compulsory color but they have to carry a blue city taxi sign on the roof as well as the designation of their taxi company.