Open Call for 3-Day Workshop
Development of a Walldrawing by Perception of City and Public Transport
Workshop hold by Jens Besser
December 2014, Belgrade, Serbia

Gallery of Science and Technology - Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Đure Jakšića 2, Belgrade
The workshop gives an insight view on the develpoment of a walldrawing which is related to city and transportation. The workshop happens in public space and inside. In public space participants try to find urban objects of interests. We do quick sketches and try to find compostions of these objects. Out of the sketches and the shape of the wall we develop together a walldrawing.
The Workshop is and open for up to 6 Participants.
The Registration Fee for the Workshop is 25 euro per Participant.
Duration: 3 days
apply for the Workshop by sending email at info@strand.rs with subject Workshop Walldrawing.
Public Drawing
Lecture by Jens Besser
For nearly 2 decades Jens Besser works in public space. Comig from a Graffiti background he started around 2000 to develop public drawings on different surfaces. Murals on outside surfaces of Buildings are the most typical way of his artwork. Besser likes as well to draw in abandoned Buildings , on trains or other suitable surfaces in wider public space.
For his works he traveled around Europe, Latin America and Asia. He was invited to different Shows as Muralist and Drawer. Besides his activites as an artist he organizes public art projects, hold lectures and workshops.
Jens Besser studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden. He is freelance artist since the end of his studies.
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Open Call for 1-Day Student Workshop
About Utopia
Student Workshop
6 December 2014, Belgrade, Serbia

Gallery of Science and Technology - Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Đure Jakšića 2, Belgrade
During the Workshop the issues of the historical development of utopia, their typology and their impact on architecture will be discussed.
Workshop Moderator is
Zoran Markovic,
Department of Industrial Design and Technology, University of Botswana.
All Workshop Participants will receive Confirmation of Attendance.
The Workshop is free and open to Undergraduate, Master and PhD Students of Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Fine Arts and Applied Arts.
apply for the Workshop by sending email at info@strand.rs with subject Workshop Utopia.
Workshop Program
Theoretical Part:
- Introduction
- Explanation of the Terms
- Utopia - Utopias
- Idealism and Utopia (Urbanism vs. Architecture)
- Alternative Ways of Life
- Architecture as a Shell
- The Interaction of Architecture and Lifestyle
- The Interaction of the Mainstream of the Civilization and Alternatives
- Architecture of the Utopian Concepts
- Division of Utopian Communities
- Time Division (Historical Division)
- Typological Division
- typological divisions by various Authors (Shoay, Mayerson, etc.)
- by scope
- by way of establishment
- by reasons and aspirations of origin
- by lifetime
- by tightness of the system
- by ways, aspirations and conditions of expansions
- Conclusion
- The Diversity of the Alternative Ways of Life
- Interaction of Architecture and Lifestyle and Proves of it
- Architecture as a Source and Embouchure, Alpha and Omega, of the Life Style
Practical part:
- Analysis some of the Concepts through the given/ freely chosen Examples
- Group Discussion
- Conclusions and Findings |