Keynote Talks
#KeynoteTalks 15 September 2017
Fusion Architecture
After the post-modern architecture of the 1990s, which is rooted in the history of Western European city, a question that became topical is how architecture can provide an answer to the wishes of the multicultural and open society, following from Karl Popper’s ‘ open society and its enemies’.
Fusion Achitecture creates the opportunity for different communities to feel at home in an open society, namely by creating an environment that they personally wish for. By creating a building through which people can express and make manifest who they are or who they would like to be, structures where people feel at home, the likelihood of greater social cohesion and sustainability will increase.
The key to a social, sustainable architecture
Fusion architecture is a mindset rather than a style, a strategy that stands for an inventive way of mixing and interconnecting present and past, East and West, tradition and innovation, abstract and figurative architecture and high and low culture. The increasing diversity of cultures in our society calls for a new approach in architecture. ‘For me it revolves around the production of an environment that people find pleasurable – call it an architecture of enjoyment,’ says Wilfried van Winden. With Fusion, Van Winden wants to shift the accent of the current architectural discourse and create leeway for an imaginative and innovative architecture.