
15 September 2017


Keynote Talks will be hosted at Academy of Sciences and Arts, Congress hall, Knez Mihailova 35, 2nd floor, Belgrade, Serbia with support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


10.00                     Registration

10.30                     Opening

– Representative of STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association,
Professor Emeritus Ružica Bogdanović;

– Representative of SASA – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Academician Professor Emeritus Branislav Mitrović;

– Representative of the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade,
Dean of the Faculty, Professor Vladan Đokić;

– Representative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgrade,
Political Secretary & Head of Public Diplomacy, Culture and Media, Luuk Nijman.


At the KeynoteTalks  – Case Netherlands, the topics will be presented and discussed by the group of invited professionals from the Netherlands.


Aleksandra Stupar, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Jelena Guga, Ph.D., Independent researcher, Belgrade, Serbia


11.00                      Hotterdam

Frank van der Hoeven (Director of Research of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and Associate Professor of Urban Design at TU Delft)


11.45                     Fusion Architecture

Wilfried van Winden (architect and founder of WAM architecten, Delft)


12.30                      Urban ClimaAdApp

Sanda Lenzholzer (Landscape architect and urban designer teaching at the Wageningen University)


13.15                      Break


13.30                      The HappyHier project

Sjerp de Vries (Senior Researcher at Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra), Wageningen University & Research)


14.20                      WeSense: Social Sensing and the Quality of Urban Environments

Alexandra Tisma (Senior Researcher at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)


15.10                      The Need For (re)Definition

Mitesh Dixit (Assistant Professor of Architecture at Syracuse University and Founder of the DOMAIN Office)


16.00                      Closing Remarks


The entrance is free. Due to the limited number of seats please register by email


Organization & Support


STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgrade

Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade

ECTP-CEU European Council of Spatial Planner