Fusion Architecture by Wilfried van Winden

Fusion Architecture by Wilfried van Winden

Keynote Talks   ON ARCHITECTURE 2017 #KeynoteTalks 15 September 2017 Fusion Architecture After the post-modern architecture of the 1990s, which is rooted in the history of Western European city, a question that became topical is how architecture can provide an answer to the wishes of the multicultural and open society, following from Karl Popper’s ‘ […]

Urban ClimaAdApp by Sanda Lenzholzer

Urban ClimaAdApp by Sanda Lenzholzer

Keynote Talks   ON ARCHITECTURE 2017 #KeynoteTalks 15 September 2017 Urban ClimaAdApp Many cities face adverse urban climate effects. Measures to counteract urban climate challenges often consist of small-scale interventions that add up, but they also consist of larger scale urban planning strategies. So, different groups of people have to implement spatial adaptation interventions in […]

Hotterdam by Frank van der Hoeven

Hotterdam by Frank van der Hoeven

Keynote Talks   ON ARCHITECTURE 2017 #KeynoteTalks 15 September 2017 HOTTERDAM Background Heat waves will occur in Rotterdam with greater frequency in the future. Those affected most will be the elderly – a group that is growing in size. In the light of the Paris heat wave of August 2003 and the one in Rotterdam […]